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The Survey on the actual State of the Korean Chinese's Language

저자 Park, Kyeongrae 연구책임자 Park, Kyeongrae 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2012
The purpose of the present study is to investigate and analyze the language of the Korean residents in China, due to their social variables and the characteristics of the residential districts. This study also aims to investigate the variety of Korean language formed by the Korean residents in China and to construct the database for the variety by collecting the linguistic date. The investigation was executed concerning the generations and genders in Jilin, Liaoning, Heilungchiang and Qingdao region. The details that were investigated is the attitude of Korean language(native language), linguistic ability to Korean and Chinese language, the attitude on languages, the aspects of language use, the language use among the family members and the language use by the circumstances. These details were examined considering the region, the families, the age(the generation), the academic ability, gender, and other variables. The most Korean Chinese have a high level of competence in Korean. However, they also think that they should have a high level of competence in Chinese as well. In particular, the younger generation strongly felt the necessity of competence in Chinese. The vast majority of the Korean Chinese take a pessimistic view on the future of Korean language in China. They expect their future offsprings to use Chinese. The Korean Chinese showed a high level of competence in four skills. speaking, listening, reading, writing.of Korean language. However, the ability of the language use tended to decrease as the level of each skill increased. Also, the higher academic ability, the higher ability of the language use was shown. In the higher level of the language skills, the academic ability played a key role in distinguishing the ability of the language use. Such tendency was also shown in the ability of the Chinese language use among the Korean Chinese. The greate percentage of the old generation used Korean as their primary language in their daily lives while the rising generation evenly used Korean and Chinese as their primary language. However, the most rising generation used Korean as their primary language within the family. The Korean Chinese mainly used Korean to the older generations and sibling but they used Chinese frequently to the younger generations. To the families from the other ethnic groups, the Korean Chinese mostly used Chinese. Among the Korean Chinese only, Korean is mainly used. However, if there is any Chinese among them, the conversation is carried out in Chinese.