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2012 Korean Cultural Heritage Information Support System Build Project

저자 Nurimedia Inc 연구책임자 Nurimedia Inc 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2012
1. Project's goal ○ Since then Hangeul invented, Obtaining the up-to-date information about the cultural heritage in Hangeul and providing the comprehensive information the about cultural heritage in Hangeul on the Internet to promote the cultural value of Hangeul and provide more convenient information service about Hangeul for everyone, with the further purpose of elevating the publicity of the cultural heritage in Hangeul and encouraging the application of the heritage. ○ Provide the constructed contents in Digital Hangeul Museum stable, improve the service quality to be able to use the service easy and convenient in any circumstance for nation. 2. Project's Background and importance ○ Digitalizing the old documents in Hangeul on an enduring basis - To provide the integrated information service about the old documents in Hangeul, the service which has, until now, been intermittent and fragmentary. - To build the database on the old documents in Hangeul to promote the research on Hangeul and to increase the public interest in Hangeul. ○ Requiring function for improving user friendliness and efficient management ‐ - An increase in demand of unified searching function to convenience of Digital Hangeul Museum user ‐ - A need of BBS and statistics analysis managing function for improving Digital Hangeul Museum’s management system efficiently ‐ - An increase in demand of improving web accessibility to support various web browsers