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A Guide book of the Step-by-step Textbook of the Regulation of Srandard Korean(Eomungjubeom)

저자 Lee Kwan Kyu 연구책임자 Lee Kwan Kyu 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2010
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This guidelines are aimed at explaining development process of the step-by-step textbook of the Regulation of Standard Korean(Eomungjubeom), a selection and an array of textbook content, and at guiding the usage of the step-by-step textbook. The development of guidelines are based on the survey for national recognition of Eomungjubeom. Because the principles of stage settings and grounds of a selection and an array of educational content is basis of the results of the survey. Survey consisted of the survey questions for grading of the understanding and importance of Eomungjubeom contents of the beginner, intermediate, and advanced level. Besides, Eomungjubeom of lexical items to determine the rating, even made questionnaires. The understanding is the difficulty, it is the degree of ease to understand Eomungjubeom content item. The importance of Eomungjubeom are subject to detailed rules in their everyday life how often a word about what is the frequency. And how many words in everyday life that is needed is a concept representing the degree of awareness. Analysis of the results of this survey correlate with the textbook writing elements and implications were separated by General Summary and particulars. General Summary of the configuration system is shown below.