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Expanding Multi-dimensional Korean Dictionary based on Word Network

저자 Ok Cheol Young 연구책임자 Ok Cheol Young 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2009
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1. Objective of Research Project • Addition of 10,000 nouns in polysemy level and construction of semantic relations(hypernym, hyponym, synomym, and antonym). • Addition of 7,000 predicate in polysemy level and subcategorization mapped on Noun's Word Network. • Part of Speech and polysemy tagging of definition and example sentences in Standard Korean Great Dictionary(STGD). • Semantic clusterization of predicates. • Design and implementation of browser for semantic clusters. 2. Necessities of Research Project • In order to vitalize industry of Korean information, it is necessary to ensure machine readability of STGD. • In order to grasp Korean lexical sematic information multidimensionaly and systematically, it is necessary to construct Korean dictionary based on lexical semantic system. • Expanding continuously the Korean dictionary based on lexical semantic system constructed by the National Institute of the Korean Language (2008). 3. Content and Scope • Selection of Additional words - 50,328 words in polysemy level were selected in 2008 among 127,659 words extracted from 21th Sejong corpus and definitions in the STGD which were tagged in POS and polysemy level. - Additional 10,000 nouns and 7,000 predicates are selected from the remained words in 2008 and the Sejong Electronic Dictionary on the criteria of words selection in 2008. • Construction of semantic relations in polysemy level - Construction of semantic relations(hypernym, hyponym, synomym, and antonym) for additional nouns. - Modification of subcategories of predicates selected in 2008 and subcategorization for the additional predicates on the same criteria. - Modification of semantic relation between adverbs and predicates. • POS and polysemy tagging - Definitions in STGD of the additional words. - Examples in STGD of all selected definitions. • Semantic clustering in polysemy level for all selected predicates. • Design and implementation of WEB browser for semantic clusters. 4. Applications • Extraction of various sematic information from POS and polysemy tagged definition and examples. • Multi-dimensional grasp of various sematic relations (hypernym, hyponym, synomym, and antonym, subcategory, adverbs) using Web browser.