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An Evaluation of the Application of the Standard Pronunciation Rules

저자 Seong-Kyu, Kim 연구책임자 Seong-Kyu, Kim 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2012
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This study aims to be incorporated in the Korean Language Standards Policy, by evaluating the influence use of the Fundamental Law of the Korean Language on the public's language and its practicality and rationality under Article 12 of the Fundamental Law of the Korean Language. This study includes: 1. A survey of the policies of other nations' Standard Pronunciation on language use 2. A survey of the general public's attitude on current Korean Standard Pronunciation Rules 3. An in-depth interview with experts in this field 4. A survey on the individual contents of the Standard Pronunciation Rules and establishment of the data 5. Elicitation of an improvement plan regarding management strategies of Korean Standard Pronunciation Rules The first part of the study examined policy, system, law and enforcement ordinances upon standard pronunciation of the other countries such as U.S.A., Japan, China, Germany, France, Spain, England, and others. We also looked at the specifics of each country's pronunciation education. Unlike South and North Korea, no other country legislate Standard Pronunciation at a national level on the basis of the Pronunciation Rules. The social meaning of the Korean Pronunciation Rules needs to be reconsidered. In other words ,education and promotion for propagating the Korean Pronunciation Rules itself should be eschewed. A survey o fthe second part was conducted on 505 people of all ages and both sexes allover the country. The results are as follows .First, people know that standard pronunciation is used; however, in most cases they are not aware of its being statutory. Thus, education for parallelism between the individual pronunciation and standard pronunciation on language use should be adopted, rather than for propagating the Rules itself. Second, people showed a low inclination to use the standard pronunciation. With this in mind, promotion of the fact that the standard pronunciation is the criterion for formal circumstances is needed. The third part was conducted on 70 experts. 45 high school teachers and professors, 5 Korean language education experts,20 of news anchors, reporters, actors and voice actors. Experts urged the need of a standard pronunciation dictionary as well as the need of the Standard Pronunciation Rules. But, they also emphasized that the replacement of unfamiliar terms and descriptions ,reduction of description on the exceptions as long as possible, reflection of the real-word pronunciation for controversial pronunciations, and admission of multiple standard pronunciations are needed.