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Constructing the database of Japano-Korean Vocabulary

저자 Lee, Hanseop 연구책임자 Lee, Hanseop 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2012
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This research aims to verify the identity of Sino-Korean words which have been known as Japano-Korean. Specifically, 500 words were investigated as follows: - Extracting 500 Japano-Korean lexical entries - Investigating the documents that first displayed these words and their propagation pathway - Compiling the results into an information package The detailed procedure of the actual research is as follows: First of all, 500 words have been selected for this particular study. More precisely, the database is composed of 440 words, based on the research publications by The National Institute of the Korean Language, and 60 words additionally selected by the researcher. Second, the documents where these selected words first appeared were identified. For this purpose, a variety of data (i.e., corpus data, historical data, representative dictionary data, and previous research data from Korea, China, and Japan) have been investigated and used as references. Third, it was examined whether these words have been registered in modern dictionaries of each language, and how they have been defined. Fourth, based on this, the route that led each word into Korean has been identified. Fifth, internet portal sites in Korea, China, and Japan were screened to confirm the current usage of these words. Finally, the results have been organized into a report. Also, the examples of the first appearance, meaning and usage, and frequency of use of each word have been compiled into a reference book. The results of the study will be used as the basis for the future studies on Japano-Korean in modern Korean. Moreover, the result is expected to provide information to the general public who wishes to know whether certain Sino-Korean words are derived from Japano-Korean.