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Basic Research for the Evaluation of Korean Language Proficiency

저자 Sowon, Chang 연구책임자 Sowon, Chang 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2012
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Based on article 9 of that stipulates for the evaluation of Korean language proficiency of Koreans, and with the goal of a successful administration of 'The Korean Language Proficiency Test for Koreans' to be administered by 'The National Institute of the Korean Language' in 2013, the present study has conducted a basic research for the development of an objective evaluation tool and index for 'The Korean Language Proficiency Test for Koreans', and makes propositions that will help to formulate policies for the continuous administration of the Korean Language Proficiency Test henceforth. The present research is made up of the following contents : (1) research conducted on domestic and foreign policies and its current state regarding the evaluation of official language proficiency The present paper chronicles all the major researches that have been made on the evaluation of official language proficiency in Korea. It also compares language proficiency evaluation systems in English, French, Chinese and Japanese and two other kinds of evaluation systems developed by the OECD countries. (2) theoretical basis for the evaluation of official language proficiency the definition of 'official language proficiency' the purpose of evaluating official language proficiency and various evaluation methods determining the scope and content of the official language proficiency test, and developing an index for its evaluation establishing specific methods for the evaluation of official language proficiency (3) the development of the 'Official Language Proficiency Test' (4) the development of the evaluation index for the 'Official Language Proficiency Test' and the assessment of its validity, reliability and objectivity (5) conclusion We propose test questions for the "Korean Language Proficiency Test for Koreans" that have been developed through the present research. We have also suggested solutions for possible problems that might occur while administering this policy.