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2012 Transcription Project on Regional Dialect of Overseas Collective Diaspora Korean

저자 Kwak Chung-Gu 연구책임자 Kwak Chung-Gu 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2012
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This report contains narrative discourse which was surveyed from the Korean on Bishkek in Kirgizstan. This survey proceeded from December 14th to December 28th in 2004, for about 9 hours. This materials may show the real state of the Korean language "Koryeo-mal" and help to study the "Koryeo-mal" and life history in Russian Far east of the Koreans who are residents in Kirgizstan. Kirgizstan is located in south-western area of Central Asia, with China to the east, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to the north. In Kirgizstan, there are 20 thousand Koreans who forced to emigrated from the Russian Far-East by Soviet Russian. They had lived in Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan at the beginning of diaspora.