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Preliminary Study on the Use of the Korean Use for Multi-Cultural Families

저자 Kyung Ryung Kim 연구책임자 Kyung Ryung Kim 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2011
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This study is to analyze the language usage of multi-cultural family members in various environments in Korea in 2011. To do so, 2,026 multi-cultural family members were interviewed as subjects. Over 1,800 bilingual adult speakers and 200 children who have bilingual parents answered for the survey questions and took a Korean proficiency test. This research consists of three major themes for examining language usage. The first is on communication among family members. Usage of Korean, usage of mother tongue, language attitude, language code, etc were examined. the second is on communication among social members. Language code, dialect, language attitude, language input, etc were examined. The third is on children with bilingual parents and their language proficiency, language attitude, language usage both at school and home, etc were examined. The contents of this research are presented below.