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A Report of the Step-by-step Textbook of the Regulation of Srandard Korean(Eomungjubeom)

저자 Lee Kwan Kyu 연구책임자 Lee Kwan Kyu 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2010
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This study was aimed to provide the basic data required for developing the stepwise textbooks of the language norms and regulations by examining the understanding of them and awareness status of their importance in everyday life. For this purpose, the correct and incorrect writings for the 4 language norms and regulations including Korean spelling (41 items), standard language norms (25 items), foreign language writing norm (20 items) and standard pronunciation (14 items) were selected and their understanding and importance were examined with 600 college students and government officers. The understanding results showed that the average rate of the total sample in correct responses was 64.9% and the understanding level of the college students was highest with 67.4%. The correct response rate for each norm and regulation is as follows: 70.2% for the standard language; 65.8% for the Korean spelling; 60.7% for foreign language writing; 58.8% for the standard pronunciation. The results showed that the understanding level in standard pronunciation was highest. The importance results showed that the average importance level was 44.5%, in which the college students were 60.9%. The importance rate for each norm and regulation is as follows: 45,7% for the presented words related to Korean spelling, which was highest; 45.1% for the presented words related to standard language; 44.1% for the presented words related to the standard pronunciation; 41.3% for the examples of foreign language writing. These results suggest that the understanding level for the standard language norms and regulations is highest while the understanding of standard pronunciation is lowest. For the importance, the necessity for the presented words related to Korean spelling