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Korean for Intermediate Learners

저자 Haiyoung Lee 연구책임자 Haiyoung Lee 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2010
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중급 한국어 2 This book is made just for you! ! Helps to improve English listening, speaking, reading, and writing all together! This book provides combinational activity of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. While performing these activities, we hope to improve your Korean language skill. Balanced studying in vocabulary and grammar structure for their meanings and functions! Though it seems to be easy understanding vocabulary and grammar while learning them in theory, when it comes to use in real life, they can be very difficult. This book will deepen the understanding of those as well as guiding into the usage of real-life setting. It’s practical! This book not only provides the vocabulary Korean uses in real situation but also diverse colloquial expressions. It also offers the setting of real happening in daily life as well as practical materials that learner will face in the case of native Korean life. It’s a wonderful way to encounter traditional and modern Korean culture! Each chapter provides a section about related Korean culture. Learner is exposed to traditional Korean culture such as Ssireum and traditional Korean state exam (gwageo) of old times, at the same time with modern Korean culture in order to understand the Korean as of now. For example, the section about “Buses in Korea” will help you for daily living in Seoul. For better understanding of these culture sections, we have provided translation as well. Self-check up is available! After studying each chapter, learners can do self-check up on their own. We advise you to make a plan for self-evaluation and examine your Korean language ability. Studying fun! This book will be an interesting and fun guideline for your travel to the world of Korean language.