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The Korean Alphabet, Hangeul

저자 Lee Hyun-bok 연구책임자 Lee Hyun-bok 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2010
The Korean alphabet, known in Korean as "Hangeul" (Unique and Great Alphabet) is really outstanding and unique in many respects and it certainly deserves to be more widely and appropriately known. Many renowned linguists and phoneticians in the East and West have been unanimous in praising the Korean alphabet Hangeul, and some of their complimentary comments may be summarized as follows: The Korean alphabet Hangeul is: 1) "The greatest masterpiece of human intellect", 2) "A phonetic alphabet that is unique in that it is created on the basis of the human speech organs. No other alphabet in the world shows this", 3) "A truly scientific alphabet ever created and unrivalled by any other", 4) "A simple and geometrically balanced alphabet", 5) "The most efficient alphabet known to us, especially, the one used in North Korea (where Chinese characters are not used)", 6) "A remarkable alphabet that displays the organic principles, which were utilized by Bell and Sweet in devising an organic and visible alphabet at a much later date, i.e. about 600 years later in England", 7) "An alphabet so simple and easy to learn that a bright child can master it in one morning and a normal child in a fortnight. No wonder, the illiteracy rate in Korea is incredibly low, i.e., close to zero". Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the Korean alphabet is that it provides clear-cut and ready answers to the following inquiries: Who, Why(for Whom), When, Where, and How the Korean alphabet was invented and officially promulgated. Let me deal with each of these before I go on discussing the most striking linguistic features of the Korean alphabet.