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Expanding Database of Semantic Relations

저자 연구책임자 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2010
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1. Research Project Title “Expanding Database of Semantic Relations" 2. Objective and Necessities of Research Project • In order to grasp Korean lexical semantic information multidimensionaly and systematically, it is necessary to construct Korean dictionary based on lexical semantic system. • Expanding database of the Korean dictionary including other various semantic relations(original word, abbreviation, similar meaning word, honorific word, humble word, and reference word). 3. Content and Scope • Expanding lexical semantic relation database (polysemy level 30,000 nouns and 2,000 predicates) - Selecting words in basic words among 50,000 words for Open multilingual dictionary, that are not included in the database. - Extracting the additional semantic words that have relations with original word, abbreviation, similar meaning word, honorific word, humble word, and reference word. - Adding the main title words with which subtitle predicates are related. - Including high frequent everyday words. - Selecting high frequent words from Sejong corpus that were not included in database. • Construction of semantic relations in polysemy level - Construction of semantic relations(hypernym, hyponym, synonym, and antonym) for additional nouns. • Construction of subcategorization of expanded predicates. - vii - - Modification of subcategories of predicates and subcategorization (including exclusive relation) for the additional predicates. - Semantic clustering in polysemy level for all selected predicates. • POS and polysemy tagging for definition and examples of the additional words. • Verification and modification the semantic relation in database. - Verifying the noun semantic relation(hypernym, hyponym). - Excluding nouns which cannot be combined with predicate in subcategorization. • Modification of tools for tagging definition/example and subcategorization. • Modification of WEB browser which can display the excluded nouns in subcategorization. 4. Applications and Expectation • Construction of Open WEB dictionary to present Korean lexical semantic information multidimensionaly and systematically. • Vitalization of industry of Korean information using the systematic Korean lexical semantic database. Keywords : Lexical Semantic Network, Multi-dimensional Korean Dictionary, Semantic Relations, Hypernym, Hyponym, Synonym, Antonym, Original Word, Abbreviation, Similar Meaning Word, Honorific Word, Humble Word, Reference Word, Subcategorization, Exclusive Relation, POS and Polysemy Tagging