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Protecting and Revitalizing Native Languages in an Era of Globalization

연구책임자 Robert Phillipson 참여자 Robert Phillipson 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2014
Protecting and Revitalizing Native Languages in an Era of Globalization 표지 사진

Protecting and Revitalizing Native Languages in an Era of Globalization



○ How linguistic imperialism continues: diagnosis and resistance

   -Robert Phillipson (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)

○ Towards Community Centred Māori Language Strategy

   :Rational and Structure of Strategic Approaches

   -Glenis Philip-Barbara (Māori Language Commission, New Zealand)

○ The Hungarian Language in the Age of Globalisation

   -Tamás Váradi (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)

○ Tongues under Threat-Preserving Indigenous African Languages

   -Sihawukele Ngubane (Pan South African Language Board, Republic of South Africa)

○ Safeguarding Language Diversity in Indonesia

   -Sugiyono (The Agency for Language Development and Cultivation, Indonesia)

○ Preservation Policies for the Korean Language-History and Problems-

   -Kim Sejung (The National Institute of the Korean Language, Republic of Korea)

○ Protecting and revitalizing national languages in Finland

   -Pirkko Nuolijärvi (Institute for the Languages of Finland, Finland)

○ State Language-Main Factor of Country Unity

   -Skakov Maxat (Language Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan)

○ Photos of the Conference