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Language policy Statistics Survey in 2011

저자 Park Jae - Hyun 연구책임자 Park Jae - Hyun 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2011
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Korean society has recently been changing in a more dynamic way than ever due to a sudden rise in the number of multicultural members of society such as migrant workers, marriage migrant women and so on. It has been emphasized in various fields that the language policy should expand to include the realm related to the linguistic life of new members of the community as well as the linguistic norm or the compilation of dictionaries by this time. As a language is not only communication indispensable to life but also something directly related to individual identity, the language policy needs to be designed and carried out, based on accurate investigation into the actual conditions, after careful consideration. This study aims at making the basic statistics essential to the establishment and implementation of the language policy for an active response to such social changes. First of all, five major categories have been set up, out of consideration for the actual establishment and implementation of the language policy. In addition, subcategories were defined, reflecting the sub-projects of the current language policy. The data was largely compiled, after collecting statistical indices related to the language policy from the government's reputable reports. A total of 177 pieces of the data was collected and compiled, including 150 domestic ones and 27 foreign ones. The latter was derived from the data of the English-speaking world(the United States, Britain, Canada), China, France and Japan. The information on the outline, result, summary and sources of the statistics was systematized to be easily used when one presents the data. Particularly in the section of 'summary', the core information, conducive to the establishment and implementation of the policy, was extracted and separately organized among the contents of the statistical chart. Besides, In the section of information on sources, the sources, keywords, and references of the contents concerned were presented altogether in order to make it easy to share and spread the statistical data, having in mind a portal site of the language policy, a service scheduled to be provided on Internet.