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Regime Integration and Linguistic Issues

저자 Kwon Jaeil 연구책임자 Kwon Jaeil 펴낸 곳 The National Institute of The Korean Language 펴낸 때 2011
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Greetings It is a great honor and pleasure for me to be hosting this international conference on the integration of the North and South Korean languages here at Gyeongbokgung Palace along with experts from home and abroad. I would like to welcome and extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the esteemed professors who are here to offer their invaluable insight, especially Professor Kim Hasoo, who will be delivering the keynote address. I would also like to thank everyone who expressed an interest in the theme of this conference and made it here even though I am sure you are all very busy. Unfortunately, Korea remains the only divided country in the world. More than 60 years of division has led to the societies of South and North Korea being very different in many respects. Despite these differences, there are many who work hard in a number of fields to achieve our long-cherished dream of reunification. In particular, we believe the differences in our shared language must be resolved for the successful integration of the two societies. This is a task of linguists, or Korean linguists to be more specific, and no one else. In this sense, the National Institute of the Korean Language undoubtedly has to play a leading role in addressing this issue. The National Institute of the Korean Language has been carrying out a wide variety of projects in preparation for the integration of the Korean language between South and North Korea. There have been seven joint conferences attended by scholars from both countries since 1996. We have also continued o study and research the Korean language as it is spoken in North Korea. Over that time, we have not stopped moving forward with this initiative even when tensions have risen between the two nationsdue to a recent series of events which has made dealing directly with the North somewhat difficult. This includes an international conference in Uzbekistan in 2009, the academic conference jointly hosted by the National Institute of the Korean Language and the Sociolinguistic Society of Korea, and a 2010 international conference held in Japan on how Koreans in Japan speak Korean. This year, we are hosting a conference on the integration of social systems and languages. This conference aims to discuss language problems and solutions with experts from around the world who have a similar experience as the Korean language as it relates to social integration. It is our sincere hope that this will offer us a chance to listen to others who have the same concerns in order to help us better prepare for reunification. We firmly believe that your invaluable opinions will be beneficial to allow for the language integration of the two Koreas. Once again, I would like to thank all the professors who will be making presentations and everyone else for attending this conference. I trust this conference will provide a wonderful opportunity for all of you. Thank you. November 23, 2011