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한국어 표준 교육과정(영문)

담당부서 한국어진흥과 등록일 2021. 1. 29. 조회수 4212
Proclamation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism #2020-54 [Enforcement Date 27. Nov, 2020.] [Annex 1] 'Standard Curriculum for Korean Language' Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Republic of Korea, National Institute of Korean Language Republic of Korea

Standard Curriculum for Korean Language



1. Background 

2. Objectives

3. Content framework and achievement standards

4. Directions for teaching, learning, and assessment

[Appendix] Achievement Standards for Each Level and Linguistic Skill

최종 수정일:
제4유형:출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지
-비상업적 이용만 가능
-변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 금지