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This is the National Institute of Korean Language.

작성자 National Institute of Korean Language 등록일 2016. 8. 24. 조회수 69220


■ This is the National Institute of Korean Language.


We dream of a world where everyone can communicate easily.


A place where the Korean language - our greatest heritage and source of culture - is made to be easy to use.


This is the National Institute of Korean Language.


The National Institute of Korean Language administers research and analysis activities on the Korean language, and implements various language policies so that people can lead a smooth and refined ‘language-life’.


With the objective of developing the Korean language to be easy and convenient, the institute creates realistic language standards.


It also systemizes knowledge of the Korean language into a dictionary and strives to strengthen linguistic welfare for the underprivileged.


The institute researches the actual conditions of the public’s use of language and improves language norms based on the research, thereby making an effort to establish the Korean language correctly.


The institute is steadily to cultivate the Korean language abundantly and applying meaningful changes occurring in practical usage to the language norms by which the institute continuously develops and manages it.


Also, the Korean dictionary is being compiled to systematically organize our knowledge and culture embodied in the Korean language, allowing a rich and convenient language-life.


Standard Korean Language Dictionary that was published in 1999 has been transformed into an internet dictionary in 2008.


‘Urimalsaem', a wiki dictionary of the Korean language is a compilation of knowledge and culture of the Korean language gathered and organized by all.


the multilingual dictionaries are 10 different translations of the Basic Korean Dictionary, all of which support foreigners learning Korean.


The National Institute of Korean Language develops Korean into a more convenient and refined language


It allows smooth communication between people and the government by improving the language used in public institutions to be easier and more correct.


Along with promoting of more refined the Korean language in various fields the institute also sets the language standards and creates a stable language environment so that teenagers can enjoy a proper language culture.


In addition, the Korean Language Culture Academy is being systemized and diverse study courses are being developed.


Through various communication paths such as phones, social media, and online bulletin boards, the institute is quickly resolving questions regarding the Korean language.


Through projects like language integration of North and South Korea, Korean language education for foreigners, and support for linguistically underprivileged groups, the basis of Korean language is expanding.


For smooth communication between North and South Koreans in a unified Korea, the institute researches language integration and promotes exchange, as well as providing language education for North Korean refugees.


Furthermore, the institute conducts basic research and educational material development regarding Korean language education and grants qualification to Korean language teachers as well as providing workshop training.


In particular, the institute is popularizing Braille and sign language so that people with visual or hearing impairment can enjoy a convenient language environment.


The institute is also supporting education for children in low-income brackets.


Where the Korean language is correctly established, beautifully developed, and solidly expanded – the National Institute of Korean Language.


By implementing language policies that consider the future, by developing the Korean language so that it lives and breathes in our everyday lives, and by realizing the happiness of the people through s mooth communication, the institute will provide hope to Korea.


제4유형:출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지
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